Tuesday, August 21, 2012

My Take on some Barbarian Jewelry

“One item of clothing unique to the Kellids is their Zoic fetishes, small charms made out of bundles of twine hair and stone that are often enchanted with powerful druidic magic.[2]


Zoic Fetish

Aura faint divination; CL 1st
Slot neck; Price -; Weight -.
This simple but well made necklace of braided hair and fur has at its center a charm of bundled hair and stone in the shape of an animal native to the Realm of the Mammoth Lords.  The fetish grants it’s wearer a +1 bonus to a single roll connected with the chosen fetish’s associated ability score.   Any character wearing a Zoic Fetish necklace may call upon its power once per day as a free action.   
Construction Requirements
Craft Wondrous Item, guidance; Cost -

Examples of animals and their associated ability scores:
Strength:  Wooly Rhinoceros
Dexterity: Sabretooth Cat (Smilodon)
Constitution: Mammoth
Intelligence: Megaloceros (Giant Elk)
Wisdom: Cave Bear
Charisma: Terror Bird (Kelenken)

This is the lowest level of Zoic Fetish available, much more powerful versions exist to be found or earned as each individual Kellid makes a name for themselves in the eyes of their tribe.

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Thursday, August 9, 2012

Some Pathfinder love...

 My favorite region in Pathfinder's Golarion setting is the Realm of the Mammoth Lords (big surprise to anyone who knows me).  The whole region is a giant Siberia like tundra that's split by deep, steamy valleys that contain mega fauna.  It's also where the Kellid barbarians are from.  They have a history of raiding any local giant tribes that they can and capturing young giants to raise as their own, thus strengthening their tribe and increasing their prestige.  With such a practice taking place I can only assume this sort of thing would happen every great once in a while...

Giant’s Blood (Human)

In your veins thunders the blood of giants. Somewhere tangled in the roots of your ancestral tree is a giant, most likely a guff. Once per day you can call upon the power of your birthright and re-affirm an ancient connection between your tribe and the giantfolk.

Kellid (Human), Realm of the Mammoth Lords affinity.

You can use enlarge person once per day, using your character level as your caster level and affecting yourself only.

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Above, in the Mist.

Off in the distance, on another mountain peak you can make out the shape of a man, his long cloak dancing in the breeze. He’s always there, always watching. What is he looking for or waiting for?

Each villager has a different answer. The romantics say he waits for his love, but no one can say who that is. The dreamers say that he’ll grant a wish to whoever can reach him on that slippery peak. The brash youths who want to leave will tell you that he is the greatest of swordsmen, and if you can climb your way to him and prove your worth, he will teach you all he knows of swordplay and life. The aged claim him as one of their own, an old wise wizard or sage, saving all his knowledge for the time it will be needed most. Of course the skeptics say that he is just a statue and that any movement he makes is just a trick of the light…

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

The birds of Yngstead Marsh

There are Ironbeaked birds in Yngstead Marsh. They look like egrets save for their iron grey feathers tinged with rusty red and a long, straight beak to match. The locals tell of the birds using that beak to attack people and animals from the air, sometimes driving themselves straight through their victims. Afterwards they flock to the corpses and feast, their black eyes dotted in the center with a fleck of red betraying no emotion and what many perceive to be a malign intelligence.

Why would adventurers and warriors risk the ire of these deadly birds and seek them out in their home? The answer lies in the bird's deadliest weapon.

It is said that you can sharpen a weapon by using a subdued bird's beak as a whetstone. And in doing so the weapon will stay preternaturally sharp for a year or as long as the bird is alive, whichever is shorter. This "sharpening" is a supernatural effect that makes a connection between the individual bird and the blade that it has sharpened. When that blade draws blood no matter how far away, the birds beak will drip that same blood.

Many have sought to capture the birds and keep them in their homes, safe and well cared for to ensure a lifetime of sharp blades. Ironbeaked birds die quickly when taken from Yngstead Marsh, getting weaker and more feeble as they get farther from the Marsh, until they finally lay down and die.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Pesky’s job isn’t a glorious one, but an important one, a necessary and needed one. He doesn’t patrol the deep ways keeping the things out from below, or guard the gates that protect from the odd surface dweller’s raiding parties. Pesky tends no great fungal garden nor does he hunt for moles, badgers or sweet-worms, no; he keeps the light. He tends the fireflies and the lightning bugs, raises the glow worms and the moon moths.
Pesky breeds them and raises them, and with those that can be trained he does that as well. He keeps the city lit, and the tunnels, and mine shafts, every corner and every room of every home, lit by Pesky’s friends. He breeds them big and he breeds them smart, he even taught them to respond to music. They know there is one tune for light and another for dark; he trained some to make light with the movement of the music at gatherings and taverns. With a single loud tune Pesky could make the whole city dark, his job is an important one.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Reborn, never to be the same... When a phoenix dies, self immolating, it rises from the ashes blackened as a raven. It's feathers, once fiery, now ebony with the secrets of death. Ravens too are immortal, never to die of old age, though they can be killed. The ember of what they once were still dwells within them and one in a hundred raven eggs will hatch as a phoenix...